work 1:1 with katelin

the private session


clear the root cause of your limiting belief that's keeping you from the life you were meant to live & reprogram your subconscious to believe desirable, transformative beliefs

60-120 min hypnosis session (it takes as long as it takes)


your own personalized hypnosis audio to listen to for 21 days after the session to lock in your new subconscious beliefs which will completely, powerfully change the way you operate through the world

years of therapy in one session


I'm trained by one of the most talented hypnotherapists in the world and use a kind of hypnotherapy that combines the most effective techniques from NLP, CBT, hypnotherapy, and psychotherapy.

Legally, I can't promise results, but I've never had a client need more than one hypnotherapy session.

We get to the root cause of the belief that has been unintentionally harming you, damaging your self-esteem, and keeping you from the powerful potential you were born with.

My sessions are extremely limited due to not humanly having enough time & energy to work with everyone; I only work with those who identity as women, so please only book if that is you!

Please note as demand increases, my prices increase as well, so please understand & respect the price you can book for today may not be the price in a week, or tomorrow. Thank you!

Get ready to glow



All sales are final. There are no refunds for my services or products.

Disclaimer: I love my sessions, my work, and my products and I deeply believe in them. The success stories on this page are from real people who followed the directions and got amazing results. Legally, I have to protect myself & say I do not guarantee results. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students. I am not a medical professional and do not claim to diagnose or treat any issues, and do not claim any responsibility for choices made. At no point in working with me or learning from my content or products should you take what I say to be health, financial, or legal advice. By purchasing my services or products, you are agreeing to this disclaimer, my Terms & Conditions, and my policy of no refunds.